Welcome to the Archaeological Park Martberg

Nearly 200 m above the Mosel river next to Pommern and Karden lays the high plateau of the Martberg. Its name still reminds you of the celtic-roman god Lenus-Mars who has been worshipped here in ancient times.

In the celtic period, around 100 BC, the Martberg was a central town an oppidum of the local celtic tribe called Treveri. According to current research the plateau of 45 ha was densly settled with small houses made of wood and clay. The settlement was surrounded by a wall constructed out of timber and stones. The evidence of coinage, handicraft and many imported goods emphasize the importance of the settlement in these times.

In the central area of the mountain archaeologists found a sanctuary of several celtic-roman temples which date from the 1st century BC to the 4th century AD. The sanctuary was surrounded by a large rectangular collonade which has been 60 to 70 m. In the center stood the main temple built in the typical celtic-roman style. It had a central square building called cella and a surrounding roofed verandah with stone pillars. The cella was the most important part of the temple because there was the god’s statue placed. Next to the central temple four smaller temples were discovered  built in the same way as the main temple. In the sanctuary archaeologists found large quantities of offerings. The believers offered more than 10.000 coins, hundreds of fibulas, weapons as well as thousands of miniature ceramic vessels to their gods. In the course of the christianisation the sanctuary was abandoned after 400 AD. The religious center moved from the Martberg to Karden where an early christian community was established.

Since the year of 2006 AD it is possible to visit the celtic-roman sanctuary again. The major temple with its impressive wall paintings and one minor temple are reconstructed completely. Two other temples and the surrounding wall are rebuilt partly. Furthermore you can see some houses built in the way of the celtic period. Many of the objects from the Martberg and 2000 years of the history of Karden can be seen in the Stiftsmuseum of Treis-Karden. The museum is located next to the church of Karden.


The best way to reach the Martberg is the Lenus-Mars hiking trail. Starting points are Pommern and Treis-Karden (Karden) where you can easily go by train or car. Starting from Pommern there is also a road leading to the Martberg. When you follow the signs you will easily find the parking area next to the top. (Arrival Map)

The Lenus-Mars-Trail

The Lenus-Mars hiking trail (5,1 km) links the villages of Karden and Pommern. Information boards on the track tell you about the excavations and settlements at the temple complex. As you make your way up the hill you‘ll find wooden sculptures of a celtic warrior, a roman lady and the Saint Castor. A map of the route can be found on the information boards in Karden (at the end of the street called „Unter den Weinbergen“) and in Pommern („Am Goldberg“). The marked trail can be used all year round. Sturdy footwear is recommended. There are places to stop for food and drink in the villages. (Hiking Map)

Opening hours/ Guided tours

Opening hours

April-June: Fr-Sun and holidays 11-17 h
July-October: Wed-Sun 11-17 h

Entrance fee

2 € per person
Children up to 12 years free

Tour archaeological park (about 1 h)

31,00 Euro per group of 25 persons
+ 1,00 Euro per additional person
(please register before)

Information and Registration

Tourist-Information Treis-Karden,
St. Castorstr. 87, Im Bahnhof,
56253 Treis-Karden, OT Karden,

Tel.: 02672-9157700
Fax.: 02672-9157696
